Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What am I missing??

I take a look at what are supposed to be "amazing" photos.....some are...most I could do equally well or better with the right subject/location. Yet I feel as if somehow I am missing something.....I have received accolades from my professors for my creative ideas and my perspective when doing regionalist pictures. Many of those same pictures have gotten me finalist or honorable mention (only one second place so far)....I haven't yet submitted the new stuff to any local shows so I have no idea how well it will be received, but like I said, my profs like it. In some of these competitions, I know the judging is subjective, but I try and see what they see in some of these pieces, and seem to miss the point completely. Any insight into this would be appreciated, many of my watcher love my work, and that really helps to know that my vision is at least partly accepted and appreciated. Between you, my professors and the consistency in which I get those honorable mentions/finalist positions, I have managed to keep a clear head, free from the nasty ramblings of losing my confidence......however, it would be nice to break that barrier more than once

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