Sunday, October 11, 2009


Well, I managed an Honorable mention at R.O.A.R., another student at FHSU got first place mixed media in the amateur category, but being as he is a grad student he really should have been in the professional category. The main reasoning for this is the rules state that if you have a Bachelor's degree in art, you are considered professional. Something I will be, next competition as I should get my degree after Christmas.....and being a graduate student means you have already achieved your bachelors degree...or so I thought....anyway, c'est la vie.

I have also made a decision to stay away from games like Evony and Travian, I spend time on them seeing how developed I can make my cities, this relieves stress for me.....go figure...micromanaging helping to alleviate stress. Anyway, I can put up with the occasional attack from random people setting me back a little, but all I seem to encounter are the trolls who spend every waking hour, and most of their RL resources buying themselves up, as well as allying themselves with groups of like minded cretins. One even had the nerve to send out over 6 attacks my way and then was expecting to have amicable negotiations with me to ask me a favor.....don't know about you guys...but if I get slapped in the mouth, I'm not inclined to be amicable with the person doing the slapping...let alone doing it multiple times. So I'm done with these truly unpleasant encounters, with truly unpleasant little twits.

My sponsor teacher and I will be co teaching the week leading up to the 23rd, gearing all our classes to make decorations for the cafeteria for a special day put on by the students and art club, then I will have two weeks left of teaching high school and return to the elementary school for my remaining five weeks. I have had awesome reviews by my university supervisor, and I get along well with my sponsor teacher as well, which is a plus. Her advice has been of great help to me in many ways. I look forward to finishing my tests and my FPA, then making sure I have copies of them so i may send them to other districts to apply for teaching positions. Mock interview day is on the 23rd as well, so I'll miss out on the festivities, which is unfortunate.

So the five state is this November, I'll try and find the entry fee somewhere, otherwise...I won't....I have pieces in several other competitions, but I always feel like I'm just missing would be nice to figure out what I need to do to get that nudge that would take me from just being on the edge of being good, to actually winning something more than once.....heck I'd be happy for a consistent second or third place.....guess that's just life, I just need to be patient until the right person sees the right piece and allows me some of that recognition that I'm doing alright.

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